- Angela Coombs, Head of School
- Elizabeth DiBlasi, Assistant Head of School
- George Guerin, Athletic Director
- Meredith Orloff, Director of Enrollment
- Amal Sidani, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- Amanda Watermeyer, Dean of Student Life
Angela Coombs, Head of School
Elizabeth DiBlasi, Assistant Head of School
George Guerin, Athletic Director
Meredith Orloff, Director of Enrollment
Amal Sidani, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Amanda Watermeyer, Dean of Student Life
“My son grew so much from attending the Academy. He’ll enter high school with a great educational foundation. But more than that, he’s become such an aware person. He thinks about how to bring something to the world that will make it better. This is a school that nurtures good students—and great people.”
- Kathleen Cunningham, P'22
- David Sylofski, Chair
- Kathleen Cunningham Mulvihill, Vice Chair
- Marie Hickey, Secretary
- Stephanie Hackett, Treasurer
- Kristofer Rodgers, Treasurer
- Fr. Anthony Andreassi, CO
- Christopher Baldwin
- William Derrough
- Dr. Catherine Hickey
- Felipe Jordao
- Beth Taylor
- Dr. Eugenie L. Birch, Trustee Emeritus
- Lawrence Tallamy, Trustee Emeritus
- Angela Coombs, Ex Officio
- Cathy David, Ex Officio